


Print interview: Bradley, Ryan. “The Rat Paths of New York”. The New York Times Magazine. 23 April 2015.

Radio interview: Shannon, Robin. “Pests of New York City”WFUV 90.7, Bronx, NY, 10 April 2015.

Print interview:  Keim, Brandon. “The Intriguing New Science That Could Change Your Mind About Rats”. Wired. 28 January 2015.

Print interview: Jabr, Ferris. “Urban Ecologists Are Studying How Wildlife Have Evolved To Fit Their City Environment, Block By Block”. Daily Intelligencer / New York magazine. 07 January 2015.


Radio interview: . Matson, Boyd. Rat Evolution in NYC”. National Geographic Radio. 16 November 2014.

Online photo exhibit: . Milano, Johnny. “A Different Kind of Rat Pack”. CNN Photos blog. 25 September 2014.

Print interview: . Booth, Laura. “Where the Wild Things Are: Urban Ecology and the Changing Landscape of New York City”. Columbia Spectator. 11 September 2014.

Radio interview: . The Leonard Lopate Show. “What We Can Learn from the Rats of Manhattan”. WNYC 93.9 FM, New York, NY, 14 August 2014.

Video and interview: Fordham University ran a news story and produced a video about the lab’s new research projects on rats. 14 August 2014.

TV appearance: Al Jazeera English segment on the controversy surrounding control of non-native mute swans in NY State.  Aired 14-15 February 2014.

Media interview: Rainey, Clint. “Our Future Neighbors”. New York magazine. 03 February 2014.

Media interview: McCloskey, Danielle. “Scott Draves and his Electric SheepSciArt in America. February 2014. 


Media coverage: DeWeerdt, Sarah. “Cohabitation”. Conservation. 11 December 2013.  (The lab’s research was featured in this photo essay.)

Media coverage: Rothenborg, Michael. “Mus og myrer trives i storbyjunglen (Mice and ants thrive in the urban jungle)”. Politiken, Page 8 | Viden, 10 November 2013.

Media interview: Zimmer, Carl. As Humans Change Landscape, Brains of some Animals Change, Too“. New York Times. Page D3, 22 August 2013.

Media interview: Keim, Brandon. How City Living is Changing the Brains and Behavior of Urban AnimalsWired Science, 22 August 2013.

Media coverage: Science writer Carl Zimmer wrote a story in April 2013 on his National Geographic blog about one of the lab’s recent papers on adaptive evolution of urban white-footed mice.

Guest Blog Post: Jason wrote a guest blog post on Rob Dunn’s “Your Wild Life” blog in May 2013 describing a new project on the cityscape genomics of rats in NYC.  This post was in preparation for a working group on domestic and urban evolution at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center.

Artistic Residency: In Spring / Summer 2013, Jason participated in an artistic residency funded by iLand (Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Art Nature Dance) to explore the process of art / science collaborations with artists from Parsons-The New School for Design.  The residency, Through Body, Through Earth, Through Speech, culminated in a multi-channel sound installation at Eyebeam, a not-for-profit art and technology center in NYC.
Photo below: Huong Ngo







Video: CUNY filmed and posted a video on their Youtube channel in April 2013 with interviews and field work from the lab. See the video below:


Newspaper Op-Ed: Jason published an Op-Ed in the NY Daily News on 12/3/12 opposing the development of public space in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park for sports stadia and a shopping mall.

Media interview: the New York Times’ Green blog drew upon the lab’s expertise for a post about the fate of urban wildlife after Hurricane Sandy on 11/7/2012.

Invited speaker at the Secret Science Club on 10/22/12, held monthly at the Bell House in Gowanus, Brooklyn. (click here for article)
(AP Photo/Kathy Willens)
Munshi-South SSC




Blog Post: Coverage of our lab’s collaboration with the NYBG on camera-trapping of wildlife in their native forest, including slideshow.

Invited Panel Speaker, NPR’s Science Friday, 28 March 2012, recorded radio conversation on urban biodiversity at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY.  Listen to the podcast here.


Invited speakerTEDYouthThe Times Center, New York, NY, 19 November 2011. See the animated video below:

Science Cabaret on Air. 04 September 2011. “Eco in the City”. Radio interview, WICB 91.7 FM, Ithaca, NY.

The Leonard Lopate Show.  “Please Explain: Urban Evolution“. WNYC 93.9 FM, New York, NY, 29 July 2011.

Zimmer, Carl. “Evolution Right Under Our Noses“.  The New York Times – Science Times. Page D1, 26 July 2011.

Ravich, Vladic. “Going Wild in Queens“.  Queens Tribune. 16 July 2009.